It was an FFA MEGA SALON. And it SOLD OUT the Brisbane Powerhouse!
On 4 December 2016, the FFA brought its bosom-heaving brand of smouldering romance stories to the Brisbane Powerhouse.

It was an all-star, all-hair, all-shoulderpads cast of literary luminaries, featuring Michelle Law, Pascalle Burton, Leah Shelton, Adam Hadley, Lucas Stibbard, Neridah Waters, Carody Culver, and Jackie Ryan.
It also featured bigger wigs, shinier polyester, and more pulsating prose than ever before!
Jackie Ryan as Valkyrie Cul-de-Sac Adam Hadley as Underbaron Carody Culver as Tuesday Michelle Law as Thisbe Tessa Rose Pascalle Burton as Sylvia Lucas Stibbard as St John Neridah Waters as Pepita Leah Shelton as Gina