The Fanciful Fiction Auxiliary was positively pulsating with the news that it would be penetrating Brisbane Writers Festival with its pulchritudinous prose!
On Saturday 9 September 2017, the FFA lifted its skirts, lowered its neckline, and generally cheapened the atmosphere at the Brisbane Writers Festival .
We showed off EIGHT throbbing members of tumescent writerly talent, including debut FFA live performers Westerly Moon (Amie Kaufman), Boadicea Ripper (Krissy Kneen), and Mercy McSnuggletits (Maria Lewis). What a climax!
As recorded for posterity in the picture above, members of the FFA serviced [got changed in] the Queensland Writers Centre prior to our BWF engagement.
Pictured (l-r): Thisbe Blaze (Michelle Law), Mercy McSnuggletits (Maria Lewis), Westerly Moon (Amie Kaufman), Tuesday Thatch (Carody Culver), Boadicea Ripper (Krissy Kneen), Valkyrie Cul-de-sac (Jackie Ryan), Pepita LePage (Neridah Waters), Sylvia Da Silva (Pascalle Burton). Photo: Anthony Mullins.